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Stages in the life of a fly

Flies go through four morphological stags in their life: Egg, larvae, nymph and adult. After hatching from the egg, the larvae feed and later pupate. The larvae have a soft body without legs and with small hooks around the mouth. The nymphs are dark and look like little barrels. 

Feeding habits

The larvae eat decomposing meat and faecal matter. Adult flies eat any food that contains sugar, including nectar and decomposing fruit.

Natural environment

Flies live in garbage and any place where there is animal faecal matter. Dead animals attract the flies. Most flies are active during the day.


  • The fly’s eyes are the most complex of any insect. They are composed of individual facets or lenses, each of which is an individual unit for detecting light. The light reflected from a horsefly can form a rainbow.
  • Flies use a sort of antenna to detect when they touch something. These antennae bend when they are touched.
  • The eyes of flies have no eyelids and therefore the fly rubs them with their feet to keep them clean.
  • Flies are constantly cleaning themselves.
  • Flies can walk on surfaces using their padded and sticky feet that enable them to walk upside down.

Ecogel Flies is the most effective and cleanest system to eliminate flies from your home, while respecting the environment.​

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